Inspired by Hackpad, with more focus on speed and flexibility. HackMD lets you create realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. hackmdio/hackmd/blob/master/README.md HackMD HackMD looks good, you could spin up a server via docker or similar and use it with the external sites app… Until such time someone creates an app to link them. Never the less it is still worked on, see: Wiki like functionality is something that could fit quite well to Nextcloud, and with the recent final closure of Hackpad on July 19th, see: maybe it would be time to adopt that project as a Nextcloud app? It has been open-source for a while after Dropbox aquired it, but with their push to DropBox Paper ( ), not too much further development happed.

Revive Hackpad with an Nextcloud integration? app ideas It is more an observation and a board when I write ideas in the goal of others do the same to increase nextcloud and build a better software (even if now, nextcloud is even better that I could have hopped ! ) This post is not an unproductive critic and even less a sterile attack. Evernote or other product users want ergonomy and a homogeneous solution between desktop and smartphone.Nextcloud users (or developpers ?) think that a note app which create text files is a very good and producive app beacause they can open it with a simple text editor.Not especially because of more devs people on a project, on more money. This could be where we meet the free software boarder with proprietary. When I test paper or evernote, I do not see any anchor in front of my titles, I can underline and cross easily my text, I can create lists and spredsheet etc. Dropbox paper is an improved concept of note apps.Īnd excuse me but we can’t compare apps such as evernote / paper and nextcloud note app.